29 February 2008

Eaten by Trees

A bike and other items that have been swallowed up by trees.


The Trilobus

The neptus

and other houseboats

28 February 2008

Glass Harmonium

A guy with very dexterous fingers...

Home Made Drones

From Wired Magazine, comes this video on home made drones.

Thanks to P. Reid for the link.

Vegetal Alien

Using 12 digital vegetable models in 3ds max using photographic references, Till Nowak channeled H.R. Giger and Giuseppe Arcimboldo to come up with the work "Salad":

More on the making of, here.

Thanks to P. Reid for the link.

A Laser Harp

Thanks to P. Reid for the link.

10 February 2008

Parkour Soccer

The viral videos of parkour have been making the rounds for some time now, but here is an interesting twist -- Parkour techniques applied to soccer:

08 February 2008

Skull With Cigarette, 2007

Chris Jordan 's Skull With Cigarette, based on Van Gogh's 1885 painting "Skull with Burning Cigarette", is made of images of 200,000 packs of cigarettes, equal to the number of Americans who die from cigarettes smoking every six months.

You can see more of his current photographic work, all of which deal in expressing large numbers relating to our daily lives through multiple images that combine into a larger visual piece.

Rinspeed Splash and sQuba

The Rinspeed Splash is a race car that becomes a hydroplane

While the sQuba hails back to the James Bond Lotus Esprit:

Both are among the 17 other concept cars that Rinspeed has developed or is developing.


A post of some exotic cars that serve in the line of duty, such as this Spyker:

The Skelewags

Some cool concept art that I found on the internet.

More here.

01 February 2008

Rube Goldberg Webpage

A webpage that acts like a Rube Goldberg device... be patient as it takes a second to get going. Excellent!


Ever wanted to talk to God, but found the church always got in the way? Are you one of those who goes up to the balcony in St. Peters, and shouts “I mean really, who elected you Pope anyways?” Well, now you can skip the line, and talk to divinity just as Moses did – through a direct intermediary like a burning bush except that the burning bush in this case is Godsbot:

And you know it must be a divinely inspired bot by the way his eyes mysteriously follow where ever your mouse is.