27 June 2008

YouTube - Deep Forest - Sweet Lullaby

The lyrics translate to:

Young brother, young brother you be quiet
Although you are crying to me
Your father has left us
He has gone to the place of the dead
Protect the head of the living, Protect the orphan child

Young brother, young brother hey? although you are crying to me
Your father has left us
He has gone to the place of the dead
Protect the head of the living, protect the orphan child

If you follow this blog, you might realize that this sounds familiar. It is a version of the song from an earlier video post: Where the Hell is Matt?

A Man of Honor Speech -- The Musical

Where The Hell Is Matt?

Where The Hell Is Matt? is a series of rather infectious videos done by a guy who can't dance at locations around the world. He got so popular that he ended up being sponsored by Stride gum to do his stint as a commercial.