05 May 2006

The CargoLifter Dome

CargoLifter was a company that was tauted with much promise about a decade ago for bringing back the age of the zeppelin as a cargo ship, and I remember being fascinated with the monstrous airship that was goign to be built. DamnInteresting.com recently had an article on this, which was a moment of synchronicity as I was wondering in the past months what happened to this after wondering what happened to the facilities of the famed and failed BioSphere2 project.

As the Wikipedia article tells us the airship was never built, although a massive dome hanger was constructed. Looking closely at the photo reveals three people standing in the dome in the lower left of the photo, which gives you an idea of the scale of the hanger.

The hanger is now an indoor tropical resort called Tropical Islands. Wikipedia Commons also shows other views of the hanger and of the interior of the Tropical Islands resort. You can also see an aerial view of the building on Google Maps.

Thanks to P. Reid for contributing some of the links above.

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