25 June 2009

Under the Water at Hoover Dam

Pictures of the intake towers at Hoover Dam when they were building it. These towers are completely submerged now in Lake Meade. From the Deputydog article:

"Unfortunately most people don't realize just how tall and impressive these towers are due to the fact that they're always surrounded by deep water; water which has thankfully been held back in the reservoir and contained by the dam wall. The 4 towers are there to control the flow of water down and around the dam wall towards the powerhouse where that same water will eventually generate power. These towers are 395ft tall and in total 'contain 93,674 cubic yards of concrete and 15,299,604 pounds of steel'. Incredible statistics about a piece of the hoover dam which no-one is really able to appreciate."

As a side note (read "random thought"), the texture of the four towers here remind me a bit of the spires at Antonio Gaudi's Sagrada Familia:


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